Kleiner Porzellanluster 01 Edit

Small French Porcelain Flower Basket Chandelier

circa 1900

Delight­ful and extreme­ly ele­gant small chan­de­lier exe­cut­ed with finesse, which cap­ti­vates both through its del­i­cate ele­ments exe­cut­ed in gild­ed bronze, as well as through the rich adorn­ment of count­less porce­lain flowers.

The ele­gant­ly shaped frame of the chan­de­lier is craft­ed from a woven, gild­ed wire bas­ket, with a small light fix­ture in the center.

The three chan­de­lier arms, sit­u­at­ed at the upper rim of the bas­ket, are adorned with drip cups shaped like flow­ers, as well as bas­ket-shaped can­dle sock­ets, craft­ed from woven gold wire sim­i­lar to the cen­tral basket.

The sus­pen­sion of the bas­ket is designed in the form of three rib­bons with bows and is crowned by a small cov­er plate and three pine cones.

The entire chan­de­lier is abun­dant­ly dec­o­rat­ed with porce­lain flow­ers, metic­u­lous­ly hand­craft­ed and paint­ed in very fine qual­i­ty, as well as with green-paint­ed met­al branch­es and foliage, which entwine around the entire chan­de­lier body.

Small chan­de­liers exe­cut­ed with such fine detail and crafts­man­ship, in such won­der­ful­ly pre­served con­di­tion, are tru­ly rare to find, and with their flo­ral splen­dor, they exude a spring-like ambiance in any room, sim­ply an object to fall in love with.

Kleiner Franz Porzellanluster 02 Edit
Porcelain Chandelier Dimensions chandelier body: 70 cm, Dm: 36 cm
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