HM Pechegesamt

Viennese Chandelier, Dagobert Peche attributed

around 1920

Attrib­uted to Dagob­ert Peche (18871923), in Bronze and pressed met­al; orig­i­nal ceil­ing shell and chain, six-light.

A beau­ti­ful exam­ple for a Chan­de­lier in the style of the Wiener Werk­stät­ten”, respec­tive­ly Dagob­ert Peche.

The Aus­tri­an Dagob­ert Peche (1887 — 1923) was trained as an archi­tect, yet he espe­cial­ly stood out as extra­or­di­nary tal­ent in dec­o­ra­tive design. He soon played a sig­nif­i­cant role in ampli­fy­ing the impor­tance of the dec­o­ra­tive arts as a mem­ber of the Wiener Werk­stät­ten. He col­lab­o­rat­ed with many great artists of his time, such as Josef Hoff­mann, con­tribut­ing design for fur­ni­ture, glass, jew­el­ry, and oth­er objects, with his exquis­ite, often play­ful drafts. From 1917 — 1919 he was in charge of the Swiss depen­dance of the Wiener Werk­stät­ten in Zürich. The renown Vien­nese author and art crit­ic Berta Zuck­erkan­dl (also beau­ti­ful­ly por­trayed in a paint­ing by Gus­tav Klimt) described Dagob­ert Peche as the great­est orna­men­tal genius Aus­tria has pro­duced since the Baroque.” 

HM Peche Luster D2a
Chandelier, Dagobert Peche attributed Height incl. chain and ceiling shell: 83 cm, Diameter: 65 cm
HM Peche Luster D
HM Peche Luster D2