Blattvergoldeter Holzleuchter 02

Late Biedermeier Chandelier

Vienna, first 3rd of the 19th century

Mag­nif­i­cent­ly craft­ed Chan­de­lier in a 12-flame design with rich carv­ings and beau­ti­ful leaf gilding.

The extreme­ly rare ceil­ing crown of the Chan­de­lier is exe­cut­ed in a dome or canopy shape and fine­ly carved with flo­ral motifs. The large chan­de­lier body is bowl-shaped and is bor­dered by twelve large can­dle arms. The crown and the low­er part of the bowl are adorned with ornate flo­ral and dec­o­ra­tive ele­ments.

The twelve arms of the chan­de­lier are volute-shaped and intri­cate­ly carved with large acan­thus leaf dec­o­ra­tions. The bowl-shaped Chan­de­lier body hangs from six orig­i­nal hand-forged rods, adorned with small wood­en beads and leaf orna­ments.

This splen­did­ly exe­cut­ed late Bie­der­meier Chan­de­lier is a beau­ti­ful exam­ple of the ele­gance and aes­thet­ics of Vien­nese designs in the first half of the 19th cen­tu­ry.

As in all pre­vi­ous epochs, there were crafts­men who, through their sense of pro­por­tion and form, as well as their crafts­man­ship, cre­at­ed mas­ter­ful pieces. These objects, made with great atten­tion to detail, were most­ly reserved for the court­ly and aris­to­crat­ic clientele.
Blattvergoldeter Holzleuchter 03
Viennese Chandelier H: 142 cm, Dm: 110 cm
Blattvergoldeter Holzleuchter 06
Blattvergoldeter Holzleuchter 05
Blattvergoldeter Holzleuchter 04