HM Aterliersbankgesamt

Viennese, “Jugendstil” Bench

presented at the Paris World Exhibition in 1900

Designed by Baron Franz Krauß (1865 — 1942 ), and exe­cut­ed by the renowned, Vien­nese man­u­fac­to­ry Por­tois & Fix, as part of the award­win­ning, Aus­tri­an stu­dio con­cept for the Paris Exhi­bi­tion, 1900.

This is one bench out of a pair includ­ed in Baron Franz Krauß’s con­cept for the spa­cious two floor stu­dio with fire­place, com­plete­ly con­struct­ed in elmwood.

This bench is made out of sol­id elm wood, with carved scrolling, and part­ly padded side ele­ments with open parts; the back padded, and framed by a carved frieze.

This object is an excel­lent exam­ple of an ele­gant, clear Jugend­stil” design draft with just a hint of flo­ral ele­ments. The oth­er bench belonged to the impor­tant Vien­nese col­lec­tor Rudolf Leopold, and is today in the Rudolf Leopold Art Col­lec­tion in Vienna.

Franz von Krauß was an archi­tect and trained at the Acad­e­my of Fine Arts in Vien­na under Karl von Hase­nauer and Friedrich von Schmidt. In 1894, Franz von Krauß found­ed his own archi­tec­tur­al office togeth­er with Josef Tölk. Suc­cess quick­ly fol­lowed for the two archi­tects with more orders for impor­tant projects. Their projects includ­ed vil­las and apart­ment build­ings in the Aus­tro-Hun­gar­i­an Empire. Spe­cial build­ings by the two archi­tects includ­ed: the Franzens­brücke over Vien­na’s Danube Canal, the Volk­sop­er”, togeth­er with the archi­tect Alexan­der Graf, the Vien­nese Bürg­erthe­ater,” which no longer exists, the Vien­nese Kam­mer­spiele and the Kurhaus am Sem­mer­ing”, to name just a few. From 1908 Franz von Krauß was a mem­ber of the Ger­man Werk­bund and from 1913 also a found­ing mem­ber of the Aus­tri­an Werkbund.

This bench is a very spe­cial object, impres­sive­ly demon­strat­ing the impor­tance of Aus­tri­an archi­tects and design­ers com­pared to the inter­na­tion­al com­pe­ti­tion at the Paris World Exhi­bi­tion, reward­ed with the bronze medal. 

A rare oppor­tu­ni­ty for col­lec­tors and lovers of Vien­nese Art Nou­veau as addi­tion to col­lec­tions and pri­vate homes.

Wiener Ateliersbank
Viennese, “Jugendstil” Bench W: 143 cm, D: 61 cm, H: 145 cm
HM Aterliersbank D1
HM Ateliersbank D2
HM Weltausstellung2
World Exhibition Catalogue of ​„Ate­lier Por­tois & Fix“
IMG 4580